quite an extreme wrote:
First of all learn eye contact. Don't look away once a pretty girl looks at you especially once you are approaching her. In this case she thinks you are dishonest. Enjoy her otherwise she thinks you don't like her look. Stop looking at her once she doesn't looks back. She recognizes your looks even if she doesn't looks back. Dress and style in an attractive way and try to show self-confidence in the way that you are. It's nearly the most important thing. Girls care about this and they are quite calculating towards guys. Once a girl shows that she likes you should try to approach her. Don't talk s**t most girls recognize quite fast if you are dishonest.
i think this is pretty sound advice.
i'm willing to date a guy who won't make eye contact, but i also have a hard time with eye contact. most people like eye contact.
...what do the public, the great unobservant public, who could hardly tell a weaver by his tooth or a compositor by his left thumb, care about the finer shades of analysis and deduction!