Summer: Based on what he said, he could've IMed you on FB because he was trying to show at least some concern for your feelings. That's what I would've done. Even "I know you will be" (ok) could imply that, depending on his meaning.
So you've never had a guy. That must suck alot. Having been single almost 20 years myself, I empathize w/you. You also said that this guy showed off his new gf to you, like was it in the IM he sent you or did he post it for everyone to see on his own page? Also you say that you were hurt/annoyed that he previously feigned interest in you is that right? That reminds me of the guy Hurtloam posted about a few months ago who was her best friend, feigned interest and then avoided her before telling her he wasn't interested, which was really hard on her and to top it off she lost a close friend. That kind of double heartbreak is very tough to get over.
I don't really see Extreme's point and from what I do understand, I disagree. You haven't said anything to indicate that you're the problem here nor that you're doing/saying anything that leads you to keep getting passed over by guys you're interested in. You're attracting creeps which is bad and annoying obviously, but it also shows that you're desireable. It's probably just a matter of meeting a normal (relatively speaking) guy who you gel with, which I know is hard as f**k nowadays, I totally get that. Unfortunately alot of it is just blind luck, though where you look, how you go about it, what kind of guys you're looking at/for and lots of other factors cumulatively play a role obviously. I wish I could offer more constructive advice, but if you do wanna partner, yeah just keep at it and move on asa you can.
The other thing that might help is focusing on all the other areas of your life to improve your overall quality of life and general wellbeing. Like focus on your career, hobbies, making as many (or as many close) friends as possible and whatever else makes you feel good and happy. That's likely over time to attract the kind of guy you're looking for because it radiates out to the world that you're fun to be around, confident, full of life so to speak and to some extent at least preoccupied w/living your life to its fullest. Good luck!