When I came to this site 8 years ago, I was in a horrible place. I had extremely low self-esteem, I was bitter, miserable, angry, and had f****d up, incel-like ideas and thoughts about women, men, sex, and relationships. I was jealous of good-looking men who were able to date successfully. I thought for sure that they were all as*holes and no handsome man could be a good person. I despised men and women who had active sex lives due to envy.
I got off on the sympathy, attention, and pity I got from repeatedly tearing myself down. (I'd repeatedly say that I was ugly, slow, ret*d, uneducated, undateable, etc) The evidence and proof is all in my post history.
I repeatedly ignored great advice from a lot of friendly posters on here and repeatedly made excuses for my failings. This continued for years until I eventually lost interest.
I think my issues stemmed from a "friend" I had growing up who ridiculed me repeatedly about my face. He was a jerk and every girl/woman seemed to find him attractive. He had no problems dating and that really affected my views on relationships. Other people referring to me as ugly effected my self-esteem and how I viewed my appearance also.
About 4 years ago, I had sort of an epiphany. I suddenly realized how much pain and stress I caused people close to me. Being consumed by self pity and being self-absorbed completely blinded me to that for years. After soul crushing guilt, I vowed to become a better person. I didn't want to be a burden or a parasite anymore. I wanted show my family how much I appreciated them for loving and putting up with me despite my sh***y attitude and behavior for so long.
I realized that women are allowed to have preferences and it doesn't necessarily say anything about you if you are rejected. Maybe you just weren't her type and vice/versa. BTW, women (autistic or otherwise) deal with rejection, social awkwardness, and loneliness as well. We men don't have a monopoly on dating struggles.
I stop placing so much value on sex and relationships, and most of all, I realized that I (and I alone) is the cause for the problems I have with dating. (and other things in my life) I'm not owed a date, sex, or a relationship. And if I want those things, I have to put in the work and effort to make myself appear attractive to opposite sex.
Over the years, I've wrestled with whether I really wanted to be in a relationship and I'm still as unsuccessful as ever, but it's empowering to know it's because of my actions (or inactions) and mine alone.
As a result, I have a healthier view about myself and life in general.
I'm probably writing this post because I feel I need to have some closure on the person I used to be and to also help some people who maybe going through what I went through.