I was married for 48 years. I found out about Asperger's Syndrome about 15 years ago, and it was like the lights coming on for my whole life. My ex-wife has claimed for years to be ADD, but has the sensory issues, the obsessions, and the hyper-focus (when she is interested in something) that go with autism. To my knowledge she has never had an actual diagnosis of ADD.
The first 20 years were good. In the '90s we got into a period that was very stressful, and we both drifted into coping behaviors that were not helpful for the long term. Over time, our relationship stagnated, but we stayed together. The last four years were another major time of stress, caring for her elderly parents. They both passed away in February and March of 2018. Things got worse from there, and in September I moved out. We filed for an uncontested divorce in April, and it came through in June.
We have three grown kids, all on the spectrum somewhere. Oldest got married at 30, has now been married for 13 years. His wife is probably also on the spectrum but refuses to accept it. They have two kids, a boy who has been diagnosed, a daughter who is likely but less severe than her brother. Our daughter and her husband both accept that they are on the spectrum. They have been married for 21 years and have seven kids--two boys, five girls. The youngest, 3 years old, MAYBE is an NT; all the rest are on the spectrum somewhere, with various severity levels. Two have been diagnosed, two more are in process. Younger son has one boy by his first marriage (who was first of my grandchildren to be diagnosed). He was divorced after 4 years, and is now married again. His first wife may have been AS, his second is probably NT.
Looking back, I would say that autism was a factor in our marriage breakdown, made worse by poor choices in coping strategies that we both made over the years. Divorce might have been avoided if we had done better, but we didn't.