caThar4G wrote:
I'm probably never gonna date again.
I'm wanting to end my life for multiple
reasons, and no one values marriage.
I had to run to a married man, and screwed things up.
But, no one was chasing me who valued marriage, commitment, or love either.
I've just seen men value: wants, easy picking, business, money, sex, body image, electronics, things, and some entertainment, or drugs and or alcohol.
There are nice gentlemen around. You may find them to be shy at first. You will usually find many forward men to be as you have described.
One thing I have learnt about life. It is not that we don't make mistakes. But when we make them we can pick ourselves back up and begin again.. I mean... You are going to be an ideal catch for someone. Don't end your life or that someone will end up lonely.
Do not look to your faults as hinderences. Look to them as opportunities. For example, lets say you have an area of your life which you struggle with. Say "Help me" and it is an ideal opportunity for the man to shine and come to your rescue... And the man may let you help in the areas he may be struggling.