Sweetleaf wrote:
sly279 wrote:
More then I’ve had.
And now women my age have teenage kids

You're 31, unless they all had kids when they were adolescents it doesn't seem likely. According to the math if a person who is 31 now had a child when they were 20 that child would be 11 or 12. So for them to already have a teen they would have had to have a child while they were a young teen or adolescent.
Teens is anything over 10 11-19 are teenagers.
If they had kids at 20 they’d be 11 year olds
If they had them at 18 they’d be 13
If they had them at 16 they’d be 15
So it’s very possible
Especially when women in my age range are up to 40 meaning a lot of have 16/17 old kids
Most seem to have 2-4 kids . And complain about how bad men are.
There’s quite a few 18 olds with 1-2 kids on dating sites so it seems to be getting more common to have kids in high school. My high school had day care and it was quiet busy.
Older I get the more common this is going get and I don’t even want to date women that have kids no way in hell will I date one with teenagers.
I can’t date anyone under 30 anymore
There is no place for me in the world. I'm going into the wilderness, probably to die