that1weirdgrrrl wrote:
If achieving a girlfriend is your sole interest, you might enjoy researching psychology, specifically as it relates to interpersonal relationships.
I'd also recommend at least glancing at Wild succulent love by Sark. She talks about singledom, the search for a relationship, and nurturing relationships once you have them.
I'd also recommend looking for a different therapist (or maybe a psychiatrist) to help with the depression. I know the therapist you've been seeing hasn't helped you, but a different therapist who is a good fit could be more helpful.
Psychiatrists can prescribe medications, if you'd be open to trying that route. Medicating depression seems to be mostly trial and error.
Lastly, be kind to yourself. The world will always be full of people aching to insult you. You should be able to become your own biggest fan.
Make lists of all the things you like about yourself.
Make lists of all the things that make you happy.
Read these lists when you feel down.
I sincerely wish you a life filled with happiness
I can’t get prescribed different medications anymore because I’ve tried many throughout my life and they’ve failed to treat the depression I suffer from. The last time I talked to a psychiatrist, she thought the only thing that could be done for me is ECT or TMS. I have also been considered ineligible for therapy by the state I live in unless I pay manually for it.
The Grand Inquisitor wrote:
It seems to me that, given your circumstances, the only way you've got any decent chance of getting a romantic partner is through self-improvement, but this appears to be a path that you resist going down.
You should switch gears for a bit and make becoming a more attractive potential partner your focus rather than merely just getting a girlfriend.
You're not doing yourself any favours by putting it off.
My attempts just keep hitting dead ends.