blazingstar wrote:
I have exactly the same problem. In my work I have to hold a lot of variables in my head to complete a task and if I am interrupted, I have to start over from the beginning. I've explained to my husband what the situation is and he has learned to back off from asking me stuff when I am working, or waiting till I have a good stopping point. Then I stop and give him my full attention. I think he appreciates that.
Oh yeah. When stuff like that happens at work. I used to have this supervisor who thought he could speed people up by micromanaging them. It usually had the opposite effect. Often when I was just getting the hang of a complex task he'd come and start asking questions about it.
It's funny how doing a task and explaining what I was doing feel like two very different tasks. I guess I was thinking about the task in more of a visual way so then when someone asked me what I was doing I couldn't find words to explain it in the most basic way.
By the time I uhmm and err my way into a rudimentary and childlike explination of what I'm doing (especially difficult if I'm doing it in an unconventioanl way), I've lost the grove of what I was actually doing.
One incident that particually stood out was when the micromanager expected me to read some instructions while also listening to him talk. Really? He really thinks while I have to listen to him talk I can read an unrelated text?
The days are long, but the years are short