Kiprobalhato wrote:
i am still not convinced that any of the love i have ever received from people who aren't my parents is genuine. i have done nothing to deserve being loved.
What do you think it would take to "deserve being loved"?
Kiprobalhato wrote:
i think people just stuck around cause they could use me for free food or a ride in my car. i have no idea how i am empathy-wise.
Do any of those people do you occasional favors in return for said free food or car rides? (Of course there's much more to love or friendship besides just an exchange of favors, but, at the very least, the favors should not be completely one-sided.)
Are you sure that there isn't, at least potentially,
more to your friendship with at least
some these people than just the favors you do for them? You might find it helpful to look at my blog post on
The Ingredients of Friendship. Do your friendships with at least some of these people entail any of these ingredients other than just exchange of favors? If so, then perhaps you do have at least the beginnings of a potential true friendship.
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