My fellow ASD/HFA brethren...
Have you ever had a situation where you were pursuing a female interest, and - (perhaps while trying to decipher ambiguous signs of interest) - some a-hole male who was in "her circle" in some way (e.g. friend, ex, or boyfriend of her girlfriend, whatever) confronted you with threats?
I can't recall it happening to me - but later on post-diagnosis in my late 20s, I remember going to a party with this girl and her ex was there, and he kept looking at me with the "kill look", but never confronted me. I detached myself from that after, as she was really shallow, ignorant, and kinda blah on the inside and out.
There may very well have been other times where I was on a date and got the nasty glare from other unknown males in a public place if they picked up some "weird vibes" on me, but fortunately it didn't escalate into Hollywood-esque douchebaggery i.e. where a meathead bully pours beer on me while his entourage laughs, nothing like that.
But I digress...that's not protection behaviour...
What I find really repugnant and hypocritical about these toxic alpha-male douche types is that they wouldn't hesitate to act abusively towards a female, or take "no" for an answer, yet they're lecturing you on being a "creepy stalker" because of some silly archetype they conjured up in their narrow little minds.