maccer wrote:
I'm obsessed with saving money and my dad taught me when i was little to save your money, not put it in the damn stock market or bet it.
I have got savings charts keeping track on how much money have saved, spent and interest earned and the percentage of money earned thats saved, plus a target for a year to save for. Even if i pass a savings target for a year i still strive to save more and every penny counts.
I am always looking for ideas to try and earn me an extra few quid.
I am always looking for ideas to try and save me an extra few quid.
Also i keep on looking for new savings accounts with different banks to try and get me a better rate of interest, I dont spend much money because i only tend to buy things i need.
Heh, I have done well for myself, and have many nice things, including a nice small home. However, im commissioned pay, so i never make the same amount every week. So what I do is take care of all my bills and keep my credit good, and instead of saving money in the bank (actually I have no savings account) I pay off my bills and other obligations in advance, eveything gets payed well before its due, and I even pay double sometimes if I have the money. I prepair for anything that can happen by keeping my credit low so I have something to fall back on and I feel its better for me to pay off as much as I can now rather then set money aside and let it sit, this way my money is working for me, and ill own my vehicle 100% well before I should have, I save on interest and now in the more immediate future that $$ can be deverted (since I no longer have to make payments) on something more important (I.E. paying off my home).
I feel my system brings me higher yeilds and makes my money worth more in the future, so for now at least having a savings account in my opinion at the age of 25 is pointless.
DX'ed with HFA as a child. However this was in 1987 and I am certain had I been DX'ed a few years later I would have been DX'ed with AS instead.