civil4life wrote:
First I am not sure if this would be better in the Social Skills or here. I chose here. Let me know if it is not the best.
For the vast majority of my life I have not felt comfort or connection with hugs. Neither giving nor receiving. I have explored this many times in therapy. I do not think it is related to the physical act of hugging. I realized that in the past the few times I have felt comfort and connection has been when someone placed their hand on the center of my mid to upper back, including patting or rubbing a little.
I know how to appropriately decline a hug, but how would I ask someone for a hand on my back? It sounds really awkward. Even asking for a hand around the shoulder sounds a little less weird.
Any ideas would be appreciated.
I don't know how practical it might be, but tell people you aren't into traditional hugs, but like the idea of being pat on the back?
If appropriate, you could even do it to them to show them what you mean?
<virtual pat on small of your back>
How is that?
My turn.