A few years ago, at my retail job, my co-workers were telling me that a girl I had feelings for had broken up with her boyfriend and she was interested in me.
I thought and assumed they were lying to me and were pulling a prank on me as they all knew I was autistic and desperate for a relationship. I even told them, "What kind of girl would go out with someone as ugly and pathetic as me. She is here, I said," I raised my hand as high as possible, having my hand near the ceiling, "and I am here," having my hand near the floor. "I have more of a chance of winning the lottery than having her accept me."
he was tall and skinny, taller than me, while I even so I assumed she would reject me without a doubt, but many of my coworkers were telling me how she wanted to date me because of how kind and smart I was and they pressured me into asking her out. I had waited a week or so to ask her out as at the time I didn't want to deal with rejection as it led to emotional instabilities.
I asked her out not on a date, but just for coffee, and I was expecting a 100% rejection. I asked her, "Would you like to go for some coffee in the future, just as friends?" I asked her very timidly and completely expecting a no as an answer.
She told me no, and when I asked her, I expected her to tell me I am a creep/weirdo and that if I don't leave her alone she would call the cops on me (Isn't catastrophizing great!
) What she actually told me was she was saying no to me because of my negativity, she told me I need to stop talking so poorly about myself. Apparently she really did want to date me and I screwed as she got word about what I said in the office to my co-workers who tried to encourage me to ask her out.
In the end it ended up being both by being so negative to my co-workers and asking in a too anxious/cautious way was why she rejected me, which I felt with her knowing I had autism I would be anxious/socially awkward.
In your opinion why did she reject me? I suspected and expected as I did then and still do now that my coworkers we just leading me on and trying to make a fool out of me. They told me she rejected me "Because I took too long." Which I find full of B.S.