Kurgan wrote:
For the past couple of weeks, I've hit it of quite well with a female co-worker. We have known each other for almost a year, but only recently started talking much to each other.
We hit it of quite well a while ago at a party at a mutual friend's place, and we've been talking a lot on Snapchat and at Slack (we use that at work). The question is therefore: How do I ask her out without seeming like a creep?
We live in strange times when simply asking a woman out is seen as creepy.
Kurgan wrote:
I think she knows that I like her, and it hasn't put her of or repulsed her in any way.
Her not being repulsed by you is a good start.
Kurgan wrote:
Plenty of people at work hit on her (she's attractive, kind, and intelligent), and she appears more interested in me than any of them.
I've noticed that she often looks my direction in for example the cafeteria. Although she's shy, she's quite open around me. Although I often make a good impression initially on women, they usually lose interest after around two weeks when my Asperger's becomes more and more obvious.
I'd suggest you give her a double-barrelled option:
Ask her: Would you like to go out on a date, or go out just as friends?
Damn! Why wasn't I this smart 35 years ago.
Kurgan wrote:
The only caveat seems to be that she's 8 years younger than me, but I'm also quite young for my age. Our mutual friends are all younger than me, and people are surprised when they learn that I'm 32 years old. Close friends are aware of my Asperger's syndrome, but it's never been a big deal to anyone.
8 years is nothing.
It is silly to even think about it.
Kurgan wrote:
I know that dating a co-worker is (to put it mildly) risky,
Dating a Cow-Orker is even more dangerous.
Kurgan wrote:
but I'm a full-stack developer with a very prestiguous education -- and can easily find a job somewhere else should things take a nasty turn. Furthermore, I work in a different project than she does, in a completely different building. It has reached the point where I can't connect with anyone else I've tried to date because I often think of her.
Ask her if she would like to go out on a date, or just as a friend, as I said, assuming you are comfortable with possible rejection.
If she isn't into you in that way, why not still be friends?
She might have a girlfriend that may be a better match.
How did I *ever* get this smart? <sigh>