Personally, I understand that Marriage was originally a religious behaviour, and thought by the religious
to be protective for woman and any children made within a relationship.
This human behaviourism is ancient and in a behaviour that is found in most religions.
Such religions that were founded many thousands of years ago, where woman played a different role
in society as they do today.
Woman, in many ancient societies were often delegated to duties such as making babies and home making.
Leaving the traditional roles of fighting and work to the men.
There usually were no services available for woman without husbands or employment,
so woman were often completely dependent on their husbands, especially if they had children to care for.
I believe that marriage was either given by God or invented by some wise men (or woman) in order to set up
some form of protection for the woman and children, and this tradition was handed down through the many centuries
that have passed.
In our modern terms however, after all that the world has been through, with Christianity reformation, the enlightenment period, the development and implementation of contemporary political philosophies such as marxism and democracy, many 1st world human societies are less ruled by religious factions and more by liberal humanitarian democratic political views which have had a positive influence on society and involve all sorts of live saving devices such as the social services in each country.
With such social services in place such as benefits given to people who are disabled, people who are under a certain income level, single woman who have families are less dependent on their partners for survival.
Personally, unless you are highly religious, I recommend that you never get married.
If you just want to have a party, have a party, even if its to celebrate your relationship.
But don't go through marriage, as it is hell.
Although there are those who consider getting married a great romantic gesture, and others (usually woman no offense) like the opportunity to throw a party and get dressed up so that they are the centre of attention.
Personally, think you could use the money wasted on a wedding and honeymoon on starting a business,
or going on one super cool holiday around the world or something.
Or perhaps a new car! Or if it happens, to pay for a kids future.
Instead of a crazy party and a religious service that you don't even believe in.
Surely if there is a God, then lying in his house of worship isn't good either? I don't know what would be worse
not believing and not getting married, or not believing and pretending you do and getting married for fun?
But there ya go.
Also if you don't get married, then there are no complex matters to deal with regards to rights.
Who owns what, who owes who.
Although, i strongly recommend anyone who makes babies to look after babies once they are born,
financially and emotionally. Its not a religious thing, its simple righteousness and love.