Muse933277 wrote:
I feel like for people with autism, they may benefit from looking for love in unconventional/unorthodox methods, or dating someone who is similar to them in terms of looks/personality. The fat overweight nerd who's socially awkward and plays video games all day PROBABLY isn't going to date the super hot, super fit, and extroverted sorority blonde. It's just simply not a good fit.
As for unconventional methods, perhaps try long-distance online dating, perhaps with a girl from a different country or some niche website such as autistic singles, etc... I know long-distance isn't ideal but if you're 25+ and still a virgin, then most likely what you're doing now isn't clearly working, so going 6 months before having sex with a girl you met online isn't going to be that big of a deal anyways.
That approach is what worked for me. I am not fit for starting a relationship with or dating normal NT women. I never really had my sh!t together in life much & I've always been a passive person with life in general. I did my best to take a proactive role in my search to find somebody but those things made me very unattractive to LOTS of women. I'm also very direct & straightforward & I'm horrible with indirectness & hints. People tend to misread me a lot as well & assume that I'm mad when I'm not or that I'm happy in a sad situation when I'm not. People who know me tend to think I'm sweet & they know that I'm very loyal, supportive, & protective of people close to me but I'm just majorly unattractive in a romantic sense to single women who are my age or younger. I'm the type of guy people turn to when they are upset about something or having a bad day but I'm just not a very attractive potential relationship partner to most women. I'm more of a
special charity case women don't have the time, patience, or energy to deal with. Normal NT women think I don't bring much to the table. However I potentially have much better luck & match with women who have their own various mental & physical issues & problems. Then me being protective, supportive, loyal, & sweet can potentially shine through if given a real honest chance & try. I got that with my current girlfriend. She actually does not get why other women would not want me. I get that she's not conventionally attractive with her looks or her various issues & problems but she's cute, funny, sweet, sensitive, caring, & loving amongst other things & that's much easier for me to deal with & is much much more attractive & important to me than her looking like a supermodel or porn actress.