IsabellaLinton wrote:
Other people can be overwhelming for sensory reasons such as being too loud, talking too much, being hyper, being repetitive, etc., and they can also exhaust us by demonstrating so many emotions we get burnt out. It's hard enough dealing with our own emotions, let alone others'.
I think most autistics & NTs would say that about my girlfriend.
HeroOfHyrule wrote:
I get this with everyone, even if they're not my partner. In my last relationship this was a big issue because my partner was constantly sad/frustrated/etc. and let it overtake all our conversations.
I honestly can't handle being around or talking to intensely angry/sad/etc. people at all, partly due to autism and partly due to trauma. If I am around someone like that I get unbearable, terrifying levels of anxiety and my first instinct is to try to physically leave the situation.
This is may sound odd but I was often sad & frustrated when I was single & getting in a relationship with a woman who's like that actually made me happier. I find those types of people to be more accepting & understanding of me & being accepted & understood makes me a lot happier. I may be able to feel more empathy for those types because I've been there. They say misery loves company. Being supportive of people like that may be one of the few relationship strengths that I have, I don't bring much to the table otherwise. I'm suddenly thinking of an ep of The Simpsons where Lady Gaga kept trying to cheer Lisa up but nothing was working. Then Lisa got angry at Lady Gaga & Lady Gaga decided to give up & she started feeling bad herself & Lisa was suddenly happy. I wish it would work like that for my girlfriend. It kinda works that way for me sometimes. Cass can be very tiring sometimes but the worst part is that I know lots of times there is not much I can do to change the situation. The most I can really do usually to help is be a sounding board for her. However I know from personal experience that simply having someone there who cares enough to listen & can relate some can be a huge help sometimes. Thankfully it works like that for Cass as well sometimes. The biggest reason I feel bad is because I love her & don't like her being unhappy or in pain or anything. The times I find her most difficult to deal with thou are when she's taking something out on me that really has nothing to do with me; like she's misdirecting her anger at me or her OCD or anxiety is acting up & she's upset with me over something most others would not care about. I bite my tongue a lot in those situations & avoid acting upset as best I can & usually a while later I'm OK. Or I remove myself from the situation & go in the bedroom & get on my computer or take a nap for a bit. I used to get upset & blow up at her so I've made a lot of progress over the years. She has a close relationship with her family & a couple times a month she'll spend a couple nights with family & I find having that time to myself can be very helpful for me.