ironpony wrote:
I have a gf who is 16 years younger than me and people tell me that it comes off as predatory and saying that it's one thing if it were just casual sex, but it's worse than I am in a relationship.
But I wonder, how is a relationship more predatory compared to people saying casual sex is less so, unless I am missing something?
Thanks for any advice on this! I really appreciate it!
Well I'd ignore those people, the woman you are with is of age, not like you are dating some underage girl. Lots of people get relationships where there is some age gap, its not that big a deal. And idk from what you have posted it sounds like you really care about her and want to have a good you don't seem like you got with her for creepy reasons, you two have just hit it off and turns out there is a bit of age difference, but that is ok.
Basically from what you have posted about this relationship I don't think you're being predatory at all. That said I don't know how that person rationalized that just having casual sex is less predatory than having an actual relationship. LIke having an actual relationship means you care about the person, a one night stand does not really imply anything like that.
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