smheath wrote:
There is a girl that I used to work with, that I really like. Unfortunately, I have now moved 1 1/2 hours away from the area, and when she goes back to school in the fall, she will be even farther away. I sort of liked her when we were working together but I never asked her out because she had a boyfriend at the time, but they have broken up now. Any communication I have with her will have to be online. What advice can you guys give me?
The furthest I've ever dated someone was 4,000 miles. Mind you, it was also the ONLY time I'd dated someone, so I tended to assume that there was something about the sheer geographical distances involved that made it possible.
I can't give you much advice, except the following: sustain the communication. If she e-mails, you reply the moment you can - even if it's a one-liner to say that you're up to your eyeballs in zombies and vampires, and will write something longer the moment you get a chance.
If telephone works for both of you, use it. If you can't afford the necessary plan or don't want to use phones, then buy a cheap webcam and a microphone, then teleconference. Sadly, I don't know of any sites that still have a copy of CU-SeeMe, but there's no shortage of good (free!) software that'll let you communicate securely, privately and reasonably clearly.