Whenever a caucasian woman learns about a man with non-caucasian girlfriend -or- knows about his relationship history which is almost exclusively with non-caucasian women, I encounter one or a combination of the following ret*d assumptions, which none of them is even slightly true (and yes this man happens to be me), assumptions which are often offensive to both the man and the lady he’s with:
- These women are “easy” and “obedient”
- The man has a “yellow fever” (specific if the partner is east Asian), and sexualize these women only for that.
- The women in question are after material gains.
- The man is unable to get a partner of his own (caucasian) race.
Perhaps only the latest point could be somehow true as I will explain below in my counter argument for each point:
- None of them were easy nor obedient. That’s a stereotypical racist assumption. Period.
- Even if that’s true, it is not an evil thing, “White fever” is also a very common thing in Asian cultures and they often find caucasian features attractive. It is a two ways thing.
- All the women I had been with was for fun time and not for marriage or anything like that, and this was mutually agreed. There was no wealth exchange of any sort (and gifts were/are mutual, dating costs too).
- Oh Hello?! Perhaps if some of you found these men attractive they would certainly have a more « ethnically diversified » relationship history including women of their own community/ethnicity, but you don’t, and you never did. You find them uglier or lesser compared to other men.
These men in return are not gonna wait you forever until they die virgins in a futile attempt to attract you, they will just seek in different demographics who happen to find them attractive.
I was under the impression that Phillipinas find caucasion men more attractive more so than women from other Asian countries. Can you really lump them all together like that?
There seem to be some logical explanations for the Phillipina attraction that might not be present in the other locations.
I am just curious. It is something I have thought about.
I know some Asians prize lighter skin tones but that isn't necessarily caucasion features. I don't think those Asians want to be caucasion.
I believe Phillipinas speak English, have colonial heritage and some caucasion genes already floating around. I think there is some Spanish heritage. My apologies if I am off base.