Jamesy wrote:
Muse933277 wrote:
1. We're much more likely to be unemployed or underemployed compared to neurotypical men. And since normal functioning women generally want men with good/decent career prospects, this might hurt a lot of men who are disabled and on SSI.
2. Men with autism tend to dislike sports and exercise. People who like to exercise, on average, generally look better than those that never exercise.
3. We're much more likely to live with our parents and not have a drivers license. Once again, this is a disadvantage in the dating game past the age of 22.
4. We're much more likely to be nerds and/or be neckbeards.
5. We're on average less attractive than neurotypical men on average.
6. Low social intelligence and poor social skills
You mean facially were less attractive than NT men on average?
Not directed at me but facially probably not actually. We just let ourselves down by lack of self care and it shows on your bodies by being overweight or underweight.
I never really see many muscly autisitc guys. I see plenty of obese autistics though when I finally do bump into a group of them.
Immediate looks matter to an extent especially on the fling side of stuff.
Our of interest, have you had much in the way of sexual activity with women? Topics like this seem to be a common theme from you and I can't help to wonder if you're trying to evaluate where you might stand with women on the pecking order.