Yes your looks do affect your dating life. It actually affects it more than most are willing to admit. There has been studies that those who are more attractive get more suitors. The second thing is what you do and what you provide to said person once you get your foot in the door. It is rare to find a person that will choose you for your personality alone.
Men: Get that bag, get resources(house, car, etc), Have at least one trade that you can do around the house like plumbing, electrical, or woodworking(best one) pretty much something that is tangible for a woman to get when you are at home. Going to the gym is optional but it does help.
Women: Buy that makeup to enhance those looks(if you need it), stay fit(trust me it will help SO MUCH), be pleasant to be around because men want peace when they come home from work not more stress, and please get a cookbook the phrase: "A way to a man's heart is through his stomach" wasn't popular for pretty much since human existence just to sound good, it actually works. Also women while you value your degrees and high paying jobs, men do not value that when looking for a potential wife and mother.
These are for the majority of people, it is what it is and trying to change it is a journey doomed to fail. Also don't hit me with the "but my wife does this" or "my husband does that" That is an exception but, an exception doesn't make the rule.
Autism is a disorder not a personality trait!
"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can,
and Wisdom to know the difference."