kraftiekortie wrote:
Do you often actually feel romantic interest in another person?
If not, I wouldn’t push the issue within myself. Relationships without motivation really suck.
I’ve had relationships with women who were only “with me” out of necessity, rather than passion. A recipe for disaster.
I guess, if I feel romantic with another person, that I might comment about how pretty, say, that person’s eyes are, if they are actually pretty. Within the context of a conversation, not by itself.
When you feel romantic, do you dig the person’s face, feel like nuzzling her nose or something?
I feel like I experience two types of attraction.
The first is purely shallow and doesn't require an emotional connection. I mentally acknowledge this but I otherwise ignore it.
Whereas, the second is when I become friends with someone and develop a physical interest in them. This is an annoyance for me, as I don't know how to communicate this feeling so I don't. When I feel like this, I feel like being close to them. Holding their hand, holding them, playing with their hair, I daydream about the idea of kissing them which makes me stupidly giddy. Yet there's never a good time to communicate that and I never want to ruin the friendship so I just... find it an annoying intrusion.
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25. Near the spectrum but not on it.