I've always had a certain interest in socio-anthropological psychology, despite being more in the technical field... and while I've since moved on from my younger dating "trial and error" days, married with a family and career, it always got me that us male Aspies lacked the "privilege" of others.
A few years before I was diagnosed (in my early twenties), I saw that some young women had this compulsion to "fix" their boyfriend, and their "ailment" was usually aggression, belligerence, or - heaven forbid - narcissistic personality disorder (yeah, good luck fixing THAT one, ladies!
) And I wondered, well, I've got some kind of unlabelled ailment that causes me to behave and communicate differently from the vast majority, so why doesn't a girl come along and try to "fix" ME?? And it dawned on me even back then, before I'd heard of Aspergers (which it was at the time), that she felt embarrassed to be seen with me, that I'd never be accepted by her social circle, or that she saw me as "weak" in some way. Even though I had good looks and a good body from working out, and worked in IT with a good salary.
So, I just viscerally knew from an anthro-psych perspective, that I wouldn't be considered a good protector; I was just thin-sliced as a weirdo and perpetual bully victim who could never be a good provider and protector. Even in our modern techy society, we still have some evo-psych remnants in our mammal brains. At least, the NTs do, more than us.
So then I did some online research, and get this, I found this comment in one forum from a woman which I found ignorant as hell but could understand why she would say/think this (WARNING: this may upset some folks here based on the apparent invalidation of Aspie struggles) - she basically said that not reading nonverbal cues is a sign of testing boundaries (yeah, WTF, right??) - below:
"First, let’s clarify. There are socially awkward men, and then there are the selectively socially awkward men. The second group are absolute nightmares. They’re the guys who blow past your body language and then “have no idea why you’re upset.” I cut these men zero slack, because no one is that clueless. They’re simply betting on the fact that if they blow past the boundaries enough and ignore more subtle signals, they’ll get what they want because women have been socially conditioned not to give a hard no."
When I saw that, I immediately thought back to when I was 21, that I got behind-the-back comments that I was "passive-aggressive" and didn't respect boundaries. And I thought, wow, I'm not the psycho-rapist type at all!! I was more of what they would call "incel" today, I suppose...but to think that there are women out there who would sooner assume that not reading body language is intentional, than an honest oversight.
But maybe I digress a tad.
When I looked at other comments, they were definitely "right between the eyes" and not sugarcoating...sort of along the same lines as the archetypal nice guys, or short guys, or really skinny guys.
"Because she won't feel safe with a socially awkward guy, that's all.
If he's afraid of social situations, how can he protect and provide for her and her children?
Socially awkward men seem weak and low status. Even they are good looking and earn good money, that's still how it is, because at heart, we are still cavemen evolved to deal with hunter gatherer world. The fact that we now have cars, computers and representative government in some places, doesn't change that fact. We're still cavemen."
Last edited by magz on 07 Oct 2022, 2:25 am, edited 1 time in total.:
Generalization removed from title