knowingtheautist wrote:
Beware of being date-tricked Wong Planeteers!
There are more Aspies being gullibly tricked than Neurotypicals.
Have you been on dates with partners who you felt so convinced they were sincere and then only later found out they lied, cheated, or stole. Tell us your experiences
- Have they love bombed you?
- Looked at themselves in the mirror frequently?
- Made excuses that don’t add up?
- Isolated you from your own family?

No, but I had a crush on a covert narcissist for many years who also had an autism diagnosis. Though we did not date, he manage to make me believe that he liked me when he didn't.
1. He would love to bomb me by flirting with me and acting like he was interested in me for months at a time
2. He would gaslight me by using those love-bombing episodes and then would completely ignore me and smile at me. Ignore me and act like he was mad that I was around. Then he told me that he didn't have feelings for me but I called him out, only to be told that I jump to conclusions.
3. He would play the victim by telling people that couldn't be a mechanical engineer because he was too autistic to pass a job interview.
4. He went behind my back and complained to other people about how I was a stupid spazz because I didn't talk about geeky things 24/7 and I could not answer his tough questions
5. He told me that I had to impress him with my level of intelligence just to prove that I was good enough for him and often blindsided me with condescending questions in which I would freeze.
6. He was very self-centered and had no consideration for other people
7. I invited him to celebrate my birthday which took place at an autism-related adult event. However, he didn't bother to get me a card or acknowledge me. Instead, he talked to another girl right in front of me who he was more interested in,