This is totally off topic but I love the way British people use "Muppet" it's so cute. You're adorable. I'm sorry.
Anyway, like BillyTree said, women are individuals and like different things. Also, like funeralxempire said, teenagers are a terrible reference point. Unless you are one. Which I'm pretty sure you're not. There's no point in reiterating either of those statements.
All of the kind and polite things that you listed you do are really sweet. I think you're a great person. However, they're also tiny one-off interactions. Most people won't see them as a pattern and part of your personality until they get to know you better. So it's unlikely that would be the reason someone would be attracted to you immediately? Kindness is very important, and I think most people want a kind partner, but most people are either attracted by looks or they're attracted to how being around that person makes them feel. In your example the teenage girls might be with the more "ruthless" teenage boys because being with them is exciting, or she feels special if he treats her more softly than he treats anyone else, or something else. It depends on the girl. Or they could just think they're hot. But, anyway, they're attracted to them for a reason and it's probably not the one you're ascribing here. People aren't simple or binary, and teenage girls are especially complicated because they're still learning who they are and how the world works.