Did you translate that paragraph back and forth from English to Japanese about 9 times or something?
laugh... sorry.
Perhaps its because females are lovely.
Yes, sorry to be a bit, uhm, direct here, but we in general have more stuff to offer to a guy, than a guy has for a girl. We are more In Demand. This is not such a great thing as you think it is. It means we get the trashy guys that just wants something that he can emotionally abuse while satisfying his physical needs (sorry for the bluntness, but girls, I'm sure you'll back me up on this one).
However, in the long term, as long as the aspie girl learns from her mistakes, she may eventually become more picky and rather choose to stay alone than go out with the wrong type. And, as all girls (NT/aspie alike) know, there is nothing more a good-guy-magnet than the girl that is really content by herself and is not needy for a guy. (Oh, same thing for guys, that last sentence, b.t.w.). So, we get more practise at relationships (bad ones, but still), hopefully somewhere along the line we do become wise and it is actually easier for us to start a relationship, than the aspie guy that never dated a single girl in his life.
I was just posting about his yesterday, to a girl. I think what aspies need is a "love coach" - someone that you can practise a relationship on (you know, dating and kissing, nothing beyond second base), without feelings getting hurt and knowing that it is safe, and one must be careful not to fall in love. But I think it is very difficult for aspies: we are too true to ourselves. Faking a relationship is just not in our vocabulary.
I wish I could give you all nice girlfriends.