autisticon wrote:
My gf sometimes jokes about her "other boyfriend"
Usually its when I'm unavailable to do something, or dont want to. I get a response like "thats okay, I'll just take my other boyfriend." I know she's only joking, but she's been using that joke more and more lately and I've never found it to be funny. I had a previous gf who sometimes made a similar joke, and I told her about how it bothered me and she just told me that I was insecure and it turned into this whole big fight. Thus I have been keeping this to myself this time around, and it only seems to be annoying me more and more.
So I'm not sure what to do here, make an issue out of it or just keep trying to ignore it.
so, you have had two girlfriends 'joke' to you that you are not available to do something, or don't want to and the first relationship disintegrated with that as a focal point and now the second one is getting wobbly?
and you think it is because they are jokingly commenting to you about their 'other boyfriend' that you are having the problem? I say you not being the boyfriend they need is the problem.
no lady is going to hang out with someone that isn't fulfilling their needs as a boyfreind. They have their needs too, and if you are not able or willing to fulfill them, they certainly have the option to end the relationship and move on. The inference that they would get their needs fulfilled by some mythical 'other boyfriend' is serious information that they have you on probation.
Now, I am not saying you have to live up to their expectations. You do what you want to do, that is your right. However, they are doing what they have to do, too. Live and learn.