EROS - In Greek mythology, Eros was the primordial god responsible for lust, love, and sex; he was also worshipped as a fertility deity.
There comes a time in our existance, that we seek a mate, or partner. This is natural. This is biological.
It is instinct, that drives us to find a mate in which to have intercourse with on many and all levels, most prominent being sexual.
If one is to believe in evolution, then one must accept that instinct, is a very beast-like mechanism. The instinct to mate, is to preserve our race or species ... to see our own offspring inherit the land which we sowed.
BUT ... how does this apply today in this era? Will evolution always demand 100% have the instinct to mate? When does the line have to be drawn between what HAS to be done and what has ALREADY been done?
The earth is overpopulated, my friends. The population grows. As we advance in technology, we become less obligated to mate. Less OBLIGATED. But the instinct is still there, as strong as it was when we were neanderthals! Is evolution going to slow down the urge to have sexual intercourse just because the world is overpopulated?
Evolution, unfortunatly, does not happen that fast. It is momentary, insomuch that by the time Natural Selection did away with most of our urge to mate, the world would already be at the relentless mercy of food shortages, little room to live, illness sweeping the masses.
So what do we do? My friends, it is up to us, to decide for sure, what instinct obligates us to do. It is my advice to you, this day, to think this over.
If a woman looks on a man in lust, let her ask herself: "Am I obligated to bear children? Do I want to bear children?" and if she honestly without a doubt answers "No", then she MUST NOT look upon the man again in lust; time is a'wasting when it comes to lust. It is something we can't always help but have, but is something we can give the VETO to, see?
Likewise, if a man sees a woman, and lusts after her, let him ask hismelf: "Do I really want to get this female pregnant? Am I obligated to do so as my ancestors were?"
If the answer is "Yes" (honestly and completely without doubt,) then go ahead and go after that mate!
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