Vetivert had excellent advice.
I will add: I have been in a situation that was just as bad as yours, only more humiliating. In my case, the guy was the only thing I lived for and I just could not let go of him even if I knew it could never work out. As with you, I saw him on an almost daily I couldn't forget him.
If you can't forget her, and you can't yet bring yourself to be with someone else (and yes, you'll still miss her), then at least try to make some goals for your life that don't include her as a necessary component. Part of what makes somethign like your situation so painful and damaging it that it seems impossible to imagine yourself doing anything without her, to see any future without her. So, take steps, small steps, towards establishing a life for yourself, goals of your own, things that would make you happy or that you'd enjoy doing.
And when you think of her, don't let yourself brood over or obsess about it; think about something else or do soemthing that will help take your mind off her. At first it won't seem like it's working, but if you do it enough, and consistently, it works. If she shows up, force yourself to go to the library or something away from the house.
I have to say, it doesn't sound like she's been very emphatic or given you enough closure...and that's not helpful either.