Are you single, or are you in a relationship?

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01 May 2007, 1:03 am

Are you single, or are you in a relationship? Another thing have you ever been in a relationship and at what age?
Im just curious about this stuff thats all :roll:

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Pileated woodpecker
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01 May 2007, 1:08 am

Forever single. I was in a serious relationship a few years ago (and didn't realize it...and we "broke up" because of it...which I didn't figure out for a while). At the beginning of the school year I met this guy on campus and I thought we were just friends but he had feelings for me (and I even had a crush on him), but after a few days of going out I told him I couldn't do it anymore because I had OCD (no idea that I was an Aspie at the time) and I didn't like the close proximity, etc. Realized relationships were probably never going to be in the cards for me, although the one that was really important to me I blew because I am socially ret*d. Hope others are having better luck.

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01 May 2007, 1:11 am

I've been married for 10 years. We started dating just before I turned 16 and he was my first serious boyfriend. There were a couple of other people before that, but in hindsight those relationships were more on the side of regular close friendships.


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01 May 2007, 1:22 am

I met my sweetheart when we were 13. I dated various guys over the years until I was 24 when he and I got together. We moved in together a few months later and we've been together for about three years now. We plan to get married when we have the money. :roll: wish us luck on that one...


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01 May 2007, 1:25 am

I have been single for all these 16 long years.


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01 May 2007, 1:32 am

I'm not in one currently in one, but I have been in three: when I was 13, 17, and 18.

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Pileated woodpecker
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01 May 2007, 1:34 am

phenomenon wrote:
Forever single.(no idea that I was an Aspie at the time) one that was really important to me I blew because I am socially ret*d. Hope others are having better luck.

Don't feel so bad Pheno, I had relationships, that well I think my aspie tendancies started, but put a end to as well, the people just couldn't understand, niether could I, I've been trying to meet people as of late, it's hard, and they all like I want someone who will like me for me, and see as a person i do that, but it's the problem that they don't like me for me, I think people have learned to be ret*d themselves, as they play these stupid games with each rather then be honest. I'm 29 now and feel well, useless, because I smother people because I cling on to someone till they can't take it no more, funny thing when someone does it to me, I like it, but at times it can be iritating. I was talking to someone else and they said, maybe you need to lower your standards, I said, I have standards? since when?

Sea Gull
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01 May 2007, 1:42 am

Are online relationships counted?


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01 May 2007, 1:46 am

Chozo-Ghost wrote:
Are online relationships counted?

Yep they are counted :D

YAY Yippie this is my 400th post, i got alot to go before i get as mush as you's.

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Sea Gull
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01 May 2007, 1:54 am

Good. I'm in an online relationship with Anubis right now.


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01 May 2007, 2:00 am

Online relationships are heaps cool, they dont have the stress of a real relationship not that they arent real, coz they are real very real i mean i wouldnt know ive only been in one online relationship :?

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01 May 2007, 2:03 am

I've only ever had online relationships.


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01 May 2007, 2:22 am

I had a "boyfriend" between the time when I was 8-11, but I can't call that an actual relationship I suppose, as we were too young to really understand love.
Late last year, I agreed to become some guy's girlfriend out of pity, but I eventually told him that I didn't really like him in that way.

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01 May 2007, 2:25 am

Great gods. Neither. I'm married, but not in a relationship.
How do you like that?


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01 May 2007, 2:32 am

Single here, but I have been in two relationships in the past.


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01 May 2007, 2:49 am

I'm..................I'm on the single side of not being single, but not exactly in a relationship.

l've been friends with this girl now since Valentine's day, when we randomly met and we ended up hanging out a lot and talking and whatnot. couple weeks ago, she and I had a talk about where our relationship stood and I asked her out. She said no at the time, not because she didn't want to date me, but more along the lines of the fact that it was two weeks before school is to let out and we wouldn't see each other for four months. She said that she wanted to get to know me better and that twow weeks before summer was a bit odd, but at the same time I told her that I told her this now because if I didn't I'd have maychance lost an opportunity to tell her. It took a lotta guts to tell her that i liked her. and she said that it was mature of what I did do. So we'll give it the summer to see if we still like each other(my parents are gonna love to hear this.... :roll: ) but I won't hold my breath. I like the girl, but if God directs me elsewhere to a girl that I should be with, then that's how it will go. But if he doesn't then we'll try it out when we get back. oh yeah. she's gonna be a senior and I'm gonna be a sophmore, so that will also be interesting. we're both English Lit majors. I'm American, she's Asian by adoption. OH yeah, two sundays ago was our spring dance, and she and I went. It was cool.

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