As expected, she never even so much as glanced in my direction again... but now there's this Italian exchange girl at my school (don't roll your eyes at me!) she's gorgeous, and she's been giving me these looks I've been telling you all about... I'm not sure whether it's just that she's never seen a person that looks like me before, I don't know anything about Italy, (other than that the fact that it's where Mario and Luigi came from, and they eat lots of pasta )... don't know what people look like there... But, lol, here we go... I was standing, waiting for my bus to come in, she walked by, and smiled at me, I gave one of my aspie half-zombie smiles back... she sat down pretty close to me, sort of tilted in my direction... I wasn't sure quite what was going on, and I thought about it for a few seconds, and I came to the conclusion that she was just making fun of me, and I had a good old laugh to myself about it. I looked back at her, she had a sort of miserable look on her face, like I'd just made fun of HER by laughing at, what I thought was her making fun of me! Confused yet? I am On the bus trip home, it came into my head, that maybe she smiled at me because she's interested in me. Ouch, and I laughed at her and all. And the looks have continued to this day. No more smiles though. Maybe I'm just going crazy I HOPE she was making fun of me, that would make me feel good because I laughed at her. At the same time, if she smiled because she was attracted to me, well... that makes me a total as*hole then.
Thanks if you bothered to read all that, it's been crowbarring its way out of my head for the last few weeks, and it was bound to get out sooner or later. Things seem clearer when you put them in writing, I guess.