The basic idea of the article was right, the more you describe your ideal partner the smaller the selection. Many years ago I filled out a form for computer dating and they asked about twenty questions concerning my ideal partner. Most of the answers were 'don't care' and so long as she a) had a pulse b) didn't smoke and c) wasn't built like a dump truck I was prepared to meet.
I had lots of fun. Tall women, short women, redheads, blondes, brunettes, liberals, conservatives, Indians, Brits, Finns, bank clerks, aromatherapists, airline stewardesses, cat people, dog people, fish people, spider people (that didn't last long) and there was one memorable evening with a fifteen-year old girl who had lied about her age.
The secret is to deselect what you don't like then take the rest. You never know what (or who) you might find.
Ed Almos