Has anyone else experienced this, or is it just me?
It is very rare I find anyone I am attracted to. Which seems to be the case with alot of people with AS
1st-I have read people with higher than normal IQ are generally only attracted to others with abt. the same IQ. Which is a much smaller % of the population. Also, people with AS are more eccentric, usually attracted to similiar people, and have obsessive compulsive tendencies.
So this is how it can go at times:
The attraction begins, obsession with new subject kicks in. The (human)object of our infatuation may truley end up returning the feelings over time.
Then after studying the person inside and out with narrow minded focus, (like a person with aspergers often does) boredom with subject begins to set in.
Then the subject is abandoned like yesturdays news.
It is very sad but often works this way (aspergers or not). It just seems more intense with Aspergers, and harder to maintain "any relationship for extended times at all".
The obsession with the person is so intense, it can interefere with daily life, then totally burns out.
The problem/question is this. Does anyone find it is nearly impossible to stay interested in one person for extended amounts of time?
I have read that people w/aspergers have less empathy. This seems like it would make it very hard to maintain long term realtionships when the subject matter is completely learned/figured out.
Like any topic, they are then put in a mental catagory and filed away. Like a book that was read, info learned, now it's boring. Time for next subject of interest
Is this normal, or am I just an evil cold hearted freak????hahahaha, if I am, what can i do about it, it's just how I feel.
I am incapable of formimg lasting realtionships and should stay single forever to spare anyone else