I have an easy time expressing love. I write poetry, half of which is love poetry. I used to be really shy about my feelings for people, but I've experienced the therapeutic value of telling those you care about how you feel.
Funny thing with me is, I have a very easy time feeling love. I can love women for any number of reasons, many of them considered bad or even horrible by other men.
Unfortunately I'm not generally very popular with the ladies of my age who are NT's, because they never understand me and rarely care to try because I'm... quirky.
But I truly know what love is, that's for sure.
I don't love my parents. I love my sister and my niece, because they matter to me. My parents never got to know me and pretty much let me raise myself, so I consider them more a kind of economic support. It sounds weird, I know, but I just don't feel any emotional attachment.
Romantic love... Is what everything is about. It is the thing that will make you throw away everything else. It is handing your soul to a person on a silver platter. It is never being able to consider what life would be like with other women. It goes beyond logic and rational thought. It can be inspired by rational thought, and ended with rational thought, but it works on a whole different level.
As for happiness... Having only felt it on rare occations, I can tell you that it is the feeling you get when you don't remember what it feels like to be sad (or worse). It makes you forget even previous states of happiness and because of that, every time you feel really happy you feel like it's the best feeling you have ever felt. It's lovely. Thank the gods for modern medicine.
And I know a lot of men are a lot less emotional than me... But I never stop loving a person. I still love people I haven't seen in years. I just wish women of my age wanted that kind of stability.
Just remember... Every person needs to find out what love is for him/her. It's not hard, you just have to let your choice matter to you. And stick with it.