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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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04 Dec 2007, 3:12 pm

I had this weird dream last night, and I was looking up at different places that tell about the meaning of dreams, but nothing quite covers this situation...

In reality...I'm a graduate student, 25, happily married. In my dream, I think I must be back in college as maybe a freshman? but at the same school where I go now, and not married or attached.

My dream was of going on a date with a girl who I do know in real life, but not very well. She is an undergrad student here at my school. It seemed to be like a first date, and a successful one. We went to a movie (at a weird place, it didn't seem like a real theater). I think it was a sports movie, but that wasn't the important part of the dream. One of my profs was there, but I don't think he saw me.

After the movie, I walked her back to her dorm and we kissed goodnight...and that was it, I woke up.

I've been disturbed by this dream all day...especially due to the fact that, given the right circumstances (like the ones in my dream), she is a girl I would probably be interested in.

Also compounding the issue is that I have the typical Aspie attitude toward being faithful--cheating just doesn't make sense to me, and I have complete trust that my wife is faithful to me. So this just doesn't make sense, but yet the dream was so realistic that for the first few seconds after I woke up, it seemed like it was real.

Does anyone have an interpretation for this? Not exactly a "cheating" dream, because I'm a little younger and not attached in the dream. But it can't really be interpreted as a typical "date" dream because I am attached in real life.


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04 Dec 2007, 3:55 pm

I've read several dream interpretation books for the sake of entertainment. The ones I read did not contain anything I could take seriously in application to the understanding of dreams. The "meanings" are based on traditional symbolism and folklore surrounding dreams. In other words, they tell you what things meant to past societies and cultures, not what things mean to you. For example, the book might say that a spider symbolizes creativity or death, but you might associate them with a dusty house or controlling the insect population.

My opinion is that if dreams do have meanings, they should be interpreted by the dreamer, based on what the parts of the dream symbolize to them.


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04 Dec 2007, 10:51 pm

I have an old, old dream book, so here we go just for fun....

Kissing a single woman: beware of being deceived or of a deception.

The theater could come under two meanings: (both good) one meaning is prosperity in everything, the other is good results with personal affairs.

The presence of your professor (went with teacher for this): an invite to a solemn occasion.

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05 Dec 2007, 12:14 am

I usually interpret any kind of dream where one is dating/involved with/screwing someone is just an unconscious mind reminding oneself of the biological drive to procreate... I usually get women in my dreams when I'm at the worst point on the loneliness scale...


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05 Dec 2007, 1:46 am

Dreams can sometimes be omens. Or, they can express how you feel on the inside or what's on your mind. It can be very difficult to interpret dreams because they are so symbolic.


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05 Dec 2007, 1:54 am

People have told me that they dream more about this sort of thing when they've been thinking along those lines during the day.

Personally, while my dreams do often draw from my daytime thoughts and activities, they also incorporate a lot of randomness or things that I do not give my conscious consent to thinking. I've had dreams about doing things that would horrify me in real life, from adultery to murder to what-have-you. We can't control those things and there's no need to make a big deal of them when they happen. It doesn't make you a bad person. I guess I'd recommend examining your relationship with your wife to see if maybe there's something that needs fixing, but if you turn up emptyhanded, shelve the analysis and forget about it. Sometimes we can spy our problems coming through in our dreams, but sometimes a dream is just everything we've seen, in a blender.

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05 Dec 2007, 2:01 am

I'm not a smart man, but here goes...

This is a woman IRL that you are attracted to. That in itself is not cheating in any way, shape or form. Since you are married and committed in your mind to your wife you feel a conflict. Your dream is a vehicle to resolve that, so you explore a possible relationship. You go to a movie but it isn't romantic. You are (nearly?) seen by someone you know, which considers and dismisses an affair. You take her home and kiss, but don't have sex. Conclusion: you find her attractive, but you're not that into her, after all. You prefer your wife, even in your dreams.

Am I close? :D

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05 Dec 2007, 5:02 am

My dreams are always surreal and pure fantasy, the strange thing is that when it comes to women, it is the same as in real life :?

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05 Dec 2007, 11:37 am

Is it odd to never have dreams? I've haven't had a dream in many years.


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05 Dec 2007, 11:52 am

Stewie wrote:
Is it odd to never have dreams? I've haven't had a dream in many years.

everyone dreams. you probably just can't remember them. Not remembering dreams is apparently very common.

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05 Dec 2007, 2:16 pm

Thanks for all the replies and suggestions. I find that this was one of those times when just typing it and putting it out there has helped me to get it off my mind...after I made the original post, it was like a weight was lifted from my back. It was significant at the time because I rarely remember any dreams, much less do they ever seem as real as this one did. It has been interesting seeing what everyone has had to say, though.


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05 Dec 2007, 5:05 pm

Anyone has lucid dreams? I had, to a degree, although I have not been able to control them as I would like, I wanted to fly once, but I couldn't :P

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