I just have a question for the women, in terms of a guy's fashion and what kind of stuff he wears, how much influence does it really have in terms of what you think of him? I'm not talking about if he's a slob or has paint covered shirts, I mean if he has a preference to wear Ecko, Sean Jean, Roccawear, Phat Pharm, Nautica, and Reverb or Breakdowns for pants rather than Abercrombie, Old Navy, and tight khakis.
I bring this up just because I've known a lot of guys in the past who've told me that a lot of times, if they had that sort of preference themselves and like to where that stuff they felt great sporting it but they really got no attention. Then, if they had themselves prepped out all the way everyone was checking em out and it seemed to be this real uniform thing to where if they really dressed the way they liked to they'd have no luck.
Myself I do dress well, I like a lot of the former labels I mentioned but at the same time I don't wear the real accentric stuff - its enough to show that I am a a bit on the alternative side (more on the hip hop and raver axis) but not to where I look like a punk. In my own experience also I've always found that I have a very specific problem with attraction - mainly the fact that I look innocent/adorable, the types of women I attract are very traditional, and unfortunately with that comes the fact that they're only attracted so long as I reaffirm that I am who I look like to them - any other way it seems like they're just too confused or thrown by what they see (which is sad, I can meet people half way but it rarely ever gets reciprocated). In those cases, not to be discompassionate or anything but literally being someone I not just to fill they're preconceived stereotype of me is something I'm willing to do - I know who I am, I'm proud of who I am, it took me a lot of work and soul-searching to get here, and I'd be horridly depressed if I were (in my own mind) working directly backward and trying to be someone I'm not just for the sake of wearing the whole hat and conforming myself to whatever nice neat little stack that people desire to put me in just off of first glance.
I guess that's part of why I also have absolutely no desire to jump on the Old Navy and Abercrombie wagon, for one I hate how I look in a lot of that stuff (some Old Navy is passable but Abercrombie, Aeropostle, and stuff like that I just can't touch) it but also its the fact that again, I'd be getting all the wrong kinds of attention and another problem, a lot of the guys who I'd really get along with as friends at a party and have a lot in common with to chat up about things that I'm really into wouldn't recognize me as the sort that they'd even want to talk to. For one I'm not straight-edge, I hate looking like a goody-goody (especially since not dressing that way seems to give me an allowance to be nice without being disrespected for it), yet the way my AS effects my neurology it takes a lot of external play to really project myself the way I want to - clothing is a huge part of that.
So I guess what I'm trying to figure out, what do you think is probably the best thing I can do if I want to take charge of the situation and get myself around the red tape and simplicity, actually have more control of this situation on my own? It feels like a catch 22 - be someone I'm not just for the sake of getting someone (which I couldn't, no matter how cute she was I'd be practically suicidal and would have a real hard time when she brought direct challenges against who I was, like questioning why a cute guy would listen to the music I do, almost to a point where I'd feel like there's no hope for being respected for who I really am - and I'd probably have to bring that to her direct, which would probably end things almost right then and there); or the other alternative is try to be myself inwardly and outwardly to the best of my ability, show my best traits, be happy myself, but realize there's a good chance that I'll be doing that for the rest of my life by myself just by the evidence that people really seem to move and think in lockstep.
All this may sound pretty inane but, as much as you hate to admit it when it comes to first glances, first impressions, prejudgments, yeah, unfortunately it does sound about right. I know for sure that the Ken Cole black and the Aqua Di Gio's not causing any harm so, I guess it comes back around to all the instant associations people draw on first glance and how tight and fast they like to hold to those impressions. Hope all this isn't too esoteric though, I guess I'll find that one out just on how many responses this does or doesn't get.