Nan wrote:
Brian003 wrote:
I was just wondering- What exactly are the school smart girls looking for?
I mean like the girls who do Engineering and Medical stuff.
I do believe that would depend on the girl in question, Brian. Might I suggest that, as a general rule, they will be looking for someone who is honest, decent, caring, not terribly insecure, who has a good sense of humor, and who has something to share with them?
Good luck! (And I agree - you may find some very intelligent people in schools, but you'll find them outside of school as well.)
I agree with what Nan said, and have an additional comment, as someone who married a "school smart girl."
She was looking for a couple of things, in addition to the ones Nan listed. One was a guy who was at least as bright as she is - she finds brains to be extremely attractive, and would have a hard time respecting someone whose mind was not on a par with her own. The other was a guy who was mature enough to know what he wanted, and appreciate it when he had it. She felt that most guys in her age group wanted to screw around, and found that a highly undesirable trait.
But that's just one person. YMMV.