I take the answer to come from the "Needs Theory" (can't remember the name of the guy who actually worked this), however this Needs Theory is only used in films. A certain character will have a storyline to do with the needs theory, and it is to make the audience aware of the situation, and, to an extent, bring their own personal feelings into themselves whilst viewing. It does make you realise the emotions going through others. I learn a lot from films. I learnt of the Needs Theory whilst watching a movie called "Enduring Love", where one of the characters (Jed) has the need for love.
It's just a sense of belonging, and feeling wanted, which I know I myself would like to feel. It's feeling safe with the protection of another person. An emotional bond with another to make you feel special. That's why people want to be loved. I know it's why I want to find someone, but if I try I'll just end up disappointed, which is why I just grin and bear the love side of my life, because it doesn't really exist lol