On the contrary, I feel as though I have powerful emotions, even more powerful than those of the average human. I merely have to expend a great deal of mental effort to suppress them entirely so that said emotions do not cause damage to myself or others (Think vulcan for the closest analogue...)
The worst part is that I know from past experience that if I let my emotions go, like what so many people who think I am emotionless suggest me to do, I will cause damage. As a middle schooler, the slightest provocation would send me into a rage. I've been suspended from school and have even caused another to be hospitalized because I couldn't control my emotions. Now that I am an adult, I have to be even more careful, as assault charges are a real threat to me now.
As for the loneliness factor, I know for a fact that I am lonely, but that stems from the fact that I can't get a girlfriend (which is due both to my aspergers and said suppression of emotions making any potential woman thinking that I am distancing myself from her)