I have such great news i want to share with everyone here on Wrong Planet...after years of searching for that 'special someone' i have found him..or rather, he found me! Melloman contacted me back in March..i took about a month to respond..i wish i hadnt waited so long because by the third e mail we both knew that we were meant for each other..we had so much in common it was remarkable..from medical conditions, to food likes and dislikes, hobby similarites, the list goes on and on. We started by e mailing, then moved to IM, text and eventaully phone calls. He drove here to meet me in September and we had the best week of our lives seeing the sites here in New York and getting to know each other better. In October, i spent a week in Ohio with him. We are now committed/married to each other and i plan on relocating to Ohio
this summer..we cant imagine our lives without each other..its amazing. i have never felt such a connection to another human being before in my life. We just wanted to share this with the Wrong Planet community here because it is truly amazing the way it happened..no matter what the distance, if two people are meant to be together and really try hard, it CAN work! you never know where your true love may be..mine was right here under my nose!