LePetitPrince wrote:
I was eating alone in the company's cafeteria as usual because I usually eat lunch late , when a coworker(who's around my age) passed by to grab a fruit from the fridge , she looked at me and said : "Why you are eating alone?" then she paused for a moment and walked to the exit of the kitchen and continued " don't you know that who eats alone ...dies alone?".
I said to myself in my mind *and so what?* but I just said to her 'hmm?' and I pretended to be distracted by eating.
Why do you think she said that?
She said that because she's disturbed by you being quite content with your own company and not requiring the presence of other people. There's a big difference between being alone and being lonely but she clearly hasn't grasped that yet. Anyway, everyone dies alone, regardless of how many people are around at the time. It's something you have to do by yourself - you should tell her that, although it may increase your weirdness quotient at work
She sounds insecure and threatened by anything outwith her apparently limited range of experience, which has made her react rudely towards something she doesn't understand.