I have made girls laugh, but also bombed. The difference is I wasn't trying to crack jokes when I made them laugh. Don't try and be too high brow and sophisticated, what a lot of what people laugh at is just silliness rather than some type of 'humour'. If women really wanted someone with a good sense of humour then all the male comedians would be idolized and unavailable. However laughter is a great drug, it can create a euphoric feeling that is contagious.
I worked out if someone laughs at everything you say, it is a sure sign they like you...a bit too much!! !
. You should think about getting a restraining order, for your own safety.
If you want to make people laugh you need to feel funny, if you don't feel light headed and jovial it can be really difficult to do. You need to create that energy somehow. I do it by pacing around thinking of amusing things. I also punch myself in the thighs, that works quite well.
You need to feel funny about the people you want to make laugh. I sort of have friends
But each of them has an exaggerated version or alter ego in my head (I don't keep little raggy dolls of them in a shoe box that I play with
If you can think if the person you want to make laugh loosing it, stealing a tank and going on the rampage flattening all the cars in her wake, you are doing ok. Though don't write a fake news report about it and send it to her like I did.
Take pleasure in bombing. Find your dud jokes amusing. Something can be really obscure and not quite work but you can turn it on it's head if you don't take yourself too seriously. You need to feel funny too, so why not have something for everyone.
Smiling is one of the only nonverbal communications I actually understand. It is essentially the basis for making people laugh, and apparently other things like flirting. I used to think I could not smile because I could not get my lips to go into that kind of shape. What I didn't realize is that if you are stressed and anxious the muscles in you face are all tensed up so you can't smile.
So what you do is scrunch up all the muscles in your face really tight like you are taking an epic dump
Then let them slowly recoil into a smile, with out forcing it. Repeat this around 10x. Probably best do it in front of a mirror because it will be quite amusing in itself.
You might want have fun trying different smiles and smirks in front of the mirror. I never used to be sure when i was smiling. So if this is like you, you can make a face then turn to the mirror and see if it matches up with what you were feeling.
People don't always feel conformable laughing out loud or in a specific situation. They might laugh inside or cover their mouth with their hand. Don't feel bad if they are not hysterics over something you've said. You can't make anyone do something they don't want, especially if you want them to like you. What you can do is smile, smirk, make funny faces. You can make them smile and laugh just with this.
Probably, if this doesn't cause some feedback then you might not have chemistry or enough in common.