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20 Dec 2007, 8:53 pm

This time of year, the jewelry retail industry is really hitting us hard with advertising, pressuring the men to buy their women expensive overpriced jewelry so that the women may experience happiness (and the men, in return, a bit of loving).

So, do you women really want jewelry, or do you see this advertising as merely cynical manipulation? Are there other things that you would really prefer to receive as gifts?


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20 Dec 2007, 9:10 pm

For myself, I don't wear any jewelry, it's too confining. But that's just me. 8)


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20 Dec 2007, 9:26 pm

I'm a man so I don't 'do' jewellery. I do aftershave though, which is different. I don't see the point in jewellery - they're expensive baubles, that's all. Only a Jesse would submit to this nonsense.


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20 Dec 2007, 10:07 pm

I would rather get nothing at all than jewlery, its such a waste of money especially on me. I dont wear jewlery, even when I was married I couldnt wear the rings because they drove me crazy. Best I can manage is a necklace once in awhile, and usually not for very long.

Jewlery commercials drive me crazy, does anyone really believe they can have lives like that if they just have the right diamonds? I guess so or they wouldnt be advertising them that way, but it doesnt leave me much respect for most of humanity. The idea that people are, for the most part, that easily led appals me.

Diamonds are not a girls best friend - hello, they are rocks cut up to look pretty. I expect a little more from my friends than just laying around looking sparkly.

Every kiss begins with K, not Kay.

Diamonds are forever - but they do not garuntee this relationship is. How will you feel about that $4000 pendant when her new boyfriend is admiring it.

Show her today just how much she means to you. Do it the next day too, and the day after that because she should know this every day. If the only way you have to do this is with diamonds it could get damn expensive.

Ahh the joys of living in a consumption driven society. Dont even get me started on Hallmark.

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21 Dec 2007, 12:31 am

Personally, I don't really mind jewelry, but I don't wear them often. Usually, I wear a necklace that my boyfriend gave me or one I recently got and thats it unless you count the rubber band around my wrist for my hair. Occasionally, I wear a bracelet and/or ring but not often.
Its funny how the girl in those comercials light up when getting the diamond. I bet I light up more than she does when my boyfriend tells me he loves me. Now THAT'S a present to give and recieve! -Power Girl


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21 Dec 2007, 12:36 am

So, do you women really want jewelry, or do you see this advertising as merely cynical manipulation? Are there other things that you would really prefer to receive as gifts?

Honestly I'd rather have a nice router or a new set of drill bits. It's pretty, I like the sparkle...but it serves no useful purpose for me.

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21 Dec 2007, 12:38 am

I don't wear jewelry any more. I used to. Now, I occasionally remind myself to wear earrings so that my piercings don't close up for good. :wink:

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21 Dec 2007, 1:18 am

I wouldn't want jewelry as a gift. I dont care for precious stones as much as other people. It's fine if it's an engagement or wedding ring- thoe are special. But otherwise I'd rather receive other things.


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21 Dec 2007, 1:58 am

In general, women would much rather men do something thoughtful for them, than buy jewelery.


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21 Dec 2007, 2:27 am

"ever Kiss begins with Kay."

I would love to shoot the idiot who wrote that jewerly commerical.

I'm not anti romantic, but that commerical is annoying, and one of my housemates who has been dating an awesome girl, said that same thing as well, annoying commerical. It's the most played commercial out there right now on Network tv.

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21 Dec 2007, 8:06 am

hartzofspace wrote:
I don't wear jewelry any more. I used to. Now, I occasionally remind myself to wear earrings so that my piercings don't close up for good. :wink:

This is exactly what I do.

I have my ears mother had them pierced for me when I was two years old for some unknowingly reason.

Although I dislike wearing earings, I have to keep the earing holes open because my mother likes me to wear earings on special occassions :roll:.

Personally, I would rather receive something useful as a gift. For example, a digital camera [which I am going to buy myself :wink:]

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21 Dec 2007, 8:16 am

I hope this doesn't sound sexist, but: -

I find this whole thing a bit of a contribution to the whole battle of the sexes which I find pointless.

I do find it to be a bit of cynical manipulation, and I want no part of that.

However, don't think I wouldn't buy gifts for a girl I like, I just don't see why I have to spend loads of money to express care. :roll:

Maybe I'm being too sensitive? I get very paranoid when it comes to girl's motives, as well as guy's for that matter... I mean - the whole competition thing.

I want no part of it, and yet I find myself in it when I like someone. It's annoying and stupid.

Long answer short - I wouldn't spend lots of money on jewellery, but I would buy the odd gift here and there.

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21 Dec 2007, 8:49 am

We male humans were shaped by millions of years of evolution to be the provider. That's why in most cultures men are the providers.
An expensive jewelery is a sign of generous providing and caring toward the female.Even the least shallow girl won't appreciate a cheap wooden ring from a scroogy rich guy which , it will show his no-willingness of providing ,no?

These jewelery wouldn't succeed in the market if there were no buyers and consumers!


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21 Dec 2007, 10:20 am

samtoo wrote:
I find this whole thing a bit of a contribution to the whole battle of the sexes which I find pointless.
I do find it to be a bit of cynical manipulation, and I want no part of that.

Yeah, those ads annoy me-they take the impulse to do a kindness or provide a pleasant thrill & subvert it into conspicuous consumption, raising the cultural bar-as if couples who don't participate (literally "buy into") in this sort of behavior are less romantic, by comparison.
LePetitPrince wrote:
An expensive jewelery is a sign of generous providing and caring toward the female.

More than one aspect of situation are being explored & are getting squooshed together, which makes things a little less clear. There's the dynamic of person A (maybe male, maybe not) buying something (presumably for an occasion) for person B. There's the issue of gifting (and receiving) & how each person in the transaction approaches that. There's how one feels about expensive items, luxury goods-which will vary with the individual & his/her life circumstances (and over time).
Brittany2907 wrote:
Personally, I would rather receive something useful as a gift.

Generally, I don't like surprises, including gifts-and 'special occasions' aren't of interest to me (at least, not as excuses for obligatory ritual exchange of products). I like jewelry, but a photo from an ad is almost as satisfying (to me) as having the thing itself (not to mention, wearing jewelry is physically uncomfortable). Were I to own/possess such a pricey object, I'd be constantly worrying about its fate-will it get stolen, do I have to waste money insuring it, will I accidentally lose or damge it (and then be very upset as a result) ? I don't need those kinds of stress & hassle.
pineapple wrote:
In general, women would much rather men do something thoughtful for them, than buy jewelery.

I do appreciate romance, but didn't pick partner based on his financial status-neither of us are in any position to bestow expensive things upon each other. Romance is better served, in my book, by his actions & communications that address me specifically, as an individual-such as knowing (habit learned from years of practice) my likely reactions to things. So I'd find it more caring & personal for him to say something to that effect, instead of him doing something foolish & ostentatious (which he knows I'd disapprove of, not enjoy).

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21 Dec 2007, 10:49 am

Bah, I don't like jewelery. The type you see advertised, I mean. Too boring; I don't see the appeal.. I mean, if I wanted something shiny/sparkly I would get it cheaply elsewhere.

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21 Dec 2007, 3:46 pm

Birdgirl wrote:
Bah, I don't like jewelery. The type you see advertised, I mean. Too boring; I don't see the appeal.. I mean, if I wanted something shiny/sparkly I would get it cheaply elsewhere.

Same. Expensive jewelry is usually not as attractive to look at as inexpensive jewelry. The expensive things I've been given I've either given away to people who appreciated it more than I did, or they just sit in the jewelry box untouched. People compliment my five dollar earrings from Target though. I do like the engagement ring tradition but I don't want a diamond, I'd much rather have a prettier, colorful stone like a sapphire. Even for an important symbol like that, a super expensive ring would just make me nervous that something would happen to it, not happier at all.

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