Look at this, you ungrateful lot!

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16 Dec 2007, 5:38 am

You're a sexy man, why do you need help?


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16 Dec 2007, 5:57 am

Didn't you watch the video sucker! :x Personality and humor is vastly more important then looks.

I remember just a year ago when I was talking about relationship to a friend of a friend. She asked me if I am a virgin. I said am I they type that is likely to be a virgin. She said yes.

That basically says to me that I have done exceptionally well considering my personality. And that my unlucky experiences should be the best I could hope for.


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16 Dec 2007, 8:07 am

I could only watch this video for half way through because it was really starting to wind me up. Firstly the guy who is telling us about how to pull women and he as got to be one of the most sexist pathetic individuals ever. The comment about the best place being the bedroom instantly tells us that he his looking for only sex and if at first this seems great believe me when I say its only a going to fulfill you for a short period.

First of all the biggest problem with the concept of looking to pull a women is most the biggest flaw you will ever come across. Why you may ask well here goes.

1) If your more of an introverted person, then by changing yourself to become more extroverted will only allow you to feel more self aware because while acting you will become much more nervous

2) By becoming something you are not will only serve you to have short term relationships on the whole because you will find people who will not know the real you.

3) Women are not much different than men, they need to find a relationship and a mate in just the same way as a man. The secret is that there are women who are shy and are looking for a sensitive, intelligent man.

4) You might be alone for a good few years but eventually the best kind of love will spark from that normal encounter.

5) If your shy and introverted you may even come across as mysterious, laid back, cool, sophisticated, deep, emotional etc. these are some of the greatest ever qualities in all people.

6) If you don't want to be a funny person and prefer to be serious that is fine. Why would everyone want to be with a person who don't anything serious

7) The man on the video exists in the sheep herd world, he thinks no one gives a dam about others. You have to believe that its is a great thing to be sensitive about others feelings and even that red blush shows how much a human being you are not just the type of person society and the media try to make us think is a human.

9) Eye contact is the problem, yet again its not a disaster because to much eye contact can freak anyone out. try to smile to balance this issue.

10) The best place to meet people for us lot is on the internet, I have met tons of women who really wanted to meet up. Make sure your fairly local to the person in question. It takes about 2 weeks to take away the masks of chatters, Make the first move by saying something different and avoid any chat about sex or even love. after 2 weeks talk about how you feel, be honest and truthful as much as u can. Be yourself and eventually you should find out of about 1 in 5 a women who will be exactly suited to an easy meeting. After or around the month is the perfect time of the meet. If not a meet on the net try looking for a course on things that your interested in.

11) Another great thing to do is to go out for walks, even better with a dog. Your dog will attract women to the idea of a man who loves animals and is close to nature. It is a great thing to go out in the open and feel close to nature and to learn more about yourself.

12) Learn to love yourself, try not to question yourself. If you ask people questions about self doubts you might end up with some soul destroying answers. only you can answer the questions and also we are all human and can be loved by the eye of the beholder.

Stop reading on how to pull women anyway its a two way thing. Forget about women being meat for sexual pleasure. Society is shallow but there are always people are are not.

Good Luck and I hope I may have helped in anyway.


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16 Dec 2007, 9:01 am

Good find Chav. He gave reasonable, helpful advice.


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16 Dec 2007, 12:43 pm

nebula wrote:
2) By becoming something you are not will only serve you to have short term relationships on the whole because you will find people who will not know the real you.

I haven't got the time to read all of your reply because my sister want to use the computer.

Short term relationship is better then one.


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16 Dec 2007, 12:53 pm

Where you meet women depends on what type of relationship you are interested in. Most women that would actually care about you want a monogamous relationship. In other words looking for them in a bar would not be the best place to look.


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16 Dec 2007, 1:29 pm

nebula wrote:
I could only watch this video for half way through because it was really starting to wind me up. Firstly the guy who is telling us about how to pull women and he as got to be one of the most sexist pathetic individuals ever. The comment about the best place being the bedroom instantly tells us that he his looking for only sex and if at first this seems great believe me when I say its only a going to fulfill you for a short period.


You might have got him wrong. He might just mean the place you are more comfortable. If you are more comfortable in the study or at the office then that technically would be the ideal place to meet someone. But unfortunately, hang in my bedroom in the study or in the office.


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18 Dec 2007, 1:54 am

I personally would not trust everything that guy said in the video. I really don't know of any way to become more attractive to women without having to fake some parts of your personality. There are just some qualities that are more attractive to people than others. Besides, almost all men are fake in public to first attract the women. Then later on you can become your true self. But you really have to go out to places where you might not feel comfortable to achieve what you want.

This is just my personal belief and I know it is unfair.


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18 Dec 2007, 2:43 am

Whoever created that video is an idiot.

and as the resident Love Board Love/Relationship advisor.............BURN the VIDEO.

I want peace for all. Simple yet elegant.


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18 Dec 2007, 2:46 am

Very similar to DataSage's advice on another thread. See the sticky.

It's all very good, and those capable of doing it would be well heeled to swallow their pride and follow this guy's advice.

Unfortunately we are not NT. No matter how much we may want to be NT, we aren't. So the majority of that video is being shot down by simple reality. Non-verbal cues, gesturing, facial expressions, eye contact. Not something that many people with Asperger's can handle well.

That said, I don't see anything theoretically wrong with anything the guy said. It all seems like sound advice. It isn't the advice that's wrong, it's what the person does with that advice that makes it honourable or sleazy.

Thanks for the link though Chav. It's a good site. The Dating and humour section is pretty good too. How to be the perfect boyfriend/girlfriend is pretty funny too.

EDIT: Fixed some spelling and grammar.

Last edited by Izaak on 18 Dec 2007, 4:10 am, edited 1 time in total.


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18 Dec 2007, 3:51 am

I will come back to you on this subject.


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20 Dec 2007, 10:22 pm

Aspie_Chav wrote:

You looking at like it a equation.

Unless you got money to burned, there is no reason why you should have trouble finding girl. It take money to buy coffe, latte, movies, theather, etc. so don't tell me that you don't have to have money to dates people. It is baloney.

Get a pen and paper...

Write Places and Girls

List the top 10 places you been to, I not talking about vacation but the MOST frequent place. For example: You were eating at McDonald, shop at some tech stores, went for coffee, etc.

Top Most Frequent Places



List the top 10 "compatiable" girls that you wanted to ask but AFRAID to do it... Make sure that none of them are wearing a ring.



This time you visit everyone on the list. You need to make sure they know and recognized you. If they don't, your reputation title is Stranger.

To upgrade from Stranger title to Neutral, they need to recognized you. See her often by chatting a normal simple chat. No asking, just talk over the counter. If you are ordering food, if the food is ready then it time to say "I enjoy talking with you". When you leave, make sure you say "I see you later". MORE EYE ATTENTION TRADING (don't stare, I didn't say that) mean more POINTS.

You use POINTS to slide from neutral to Pre-dating. When you are sure you add enough POINTs, you can then ask if they are willing to go for a drink. On EVERY first date, you must take her to a drink like coffee, CocaCola, or some simple stuff. So when you ask, make sure you get the phone number after asking her to some drink on a schedule. MAKE sure you have no CONFLICT on your schedule and show up CASUAL and on TIME. If she said NO, she not interested in dating or see someone else.

In your first date, you find out about the girl personality. What is her personality like? To do that, trade questions like SOMETHING but not something that doesn't fit in the conversation. Don't talk about computer another word. Talk about life in general. And no talk about politics or any controversal stuff. When you and the girl, enjoy talking with each other then you know you are doing the right thing. Don't overextend the welcome and alway make a follow up by asking her on another place maybe to eat. If she said yes, then you have a potential. IF no, then she not interested in dating with you.

And please find a good personality. Don't like become attach to a girl, if you don't like her personality. Don't even date more than 1 girl either because that is called cheating.


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21 Dec 2007, 10:56 am

I will have to came back to you on that because I have to get back to work. I probably do have enough money to do the things you're thinking over. However, are attracted to men who they can give their offspring the best start. And even if they don't want children that line of thinking is instictual

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21 Dec 2007, 2:33 pm

Why would I want to attract women? I'm not gay.

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21 Dec 2007, 4:13 pm

Interesting vid, I learned some things and instantly within the first few mins saw I do some things horribly wrong, thank you aspie_chav!

DX'ed with HFA as a child. However this was in 1987 and I am certain had I been DX'ed a few years later I would have been DX'ed with AS instead.