GoatMan wrote:
First off, the starting off as "friends" never works. In effect, it's what every NT girl does to classify the man in question as her b****, who gets stuck with all of the residue after she's gone out looking for a "real" man.
All the more reason it might work. I have never started out as "Friends First." I have always moved way too fast, and my honesty and directness were taken wrong. This way feels more mature, in my personal experience.
GoatMan wrote:
It is a waste to pursue someone half-hearted. You either like the person enough to date and start a long-term relationship, or not. Classifying them as "friends" first is a coward's way out, and is only a deliberate act of deception.
Not necessarily. Deception is not my intention. It is like taking a leisurely stroll through an interesting exhibit, instead of rushing through. I don't feel myself to be a coward for taking my time and being careful.
GoatMan wrote:
The only ones who actually believe a girl is a slut for taking the initiative to show interest in a guy are other girls, for being too cowardly and useless to do what is necessary. It's more of that gender's mind games, the same as dancing around between wanting equality and being treated special.
Like I said, the ones who treated my like a slut were
not other girls, but the men I asked out on a date. They expected way more than I was prepared to give, much sooner than I was prepared to give it. And I have never been proficient at "mind games."
GoatMan wrote:
If you really want to get this guy's attention, don't follow the NT girls' rules, and do what you're going to do. Guys, NTs and Aspies, like girls who don't pussy-foot around. it makes our job of playing the dating guessing game so much easier. With girls who try to play these stupid headgames, it's like trying to take care of a baby. "Why is it crying? Is it tired, hungry, does it think it looks fat? What is it?"
I have already got his attention, just by talking and being myself. And I am sorry if you have been the victim of "head games." I have been accused of playing head games, when what was going on, were feelings of ambivalence about a situation, and a feeling of uncertainty as to where I stood with said individual.
Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.
-- Dr. Dale Turner