Really, truly, "be careful what you wish for".
I have travelled the road you are on myself, perhaps not so bluntly, more subtly, (except perhaps at first) between the ages of 13 and 43, and it never, ever works...
Not even when I found someone, as desperate as I was for the same kind of reasons offering an whole new life, in an whole new country I honestly came to love...
*He* felt like a life sentence, and nothing would have been worth it.
Love doesn't work that way, in fact, I suspect it is ONLY when you don't need anyone for anything but themselves that you can truly love, and even them, there is no guarantee they will feel the same, or that you'll be able to handle it.
You are RIGHT to want a new beginning, and you can do it for yourself, and after you have, you may not even want, or need a man any more...
Good luck