If you date a girl when does she become your girlfriend after 3 times, or do you just keep going out together, but what if you are busy?
I don't know. It just works out. And you're comfortable together. I have a lot of girl FRIENDS but only one that I love, even though we don't live together for the moment. We met in school, 17 years old, I just liked her and liked talking to her. I probably knew her for about two years before we realized it was serious. Originaly I met her on a school dance, where she was drunk as hell, but her friend I was looking out for originaly was even worse, so I ditched her in favour of my ex. Then we simply spent about the rest of the evening just talking. I didn't dare to call her next day, because she was probably having a hell of a hangover.
And she did have one hell of a hangover. She was going shopping after two days and had to ask her mother to hold her arm when crossing the streets, because she was still dizzy. Third day I called her, asked her to come to my town, and, I met her parents. And pesky brothers. I already knew all her family because she couldn't shut up talking...
Whe have a 19 year history as a couple and last two years as best friends, and we still don't know what's the exact love between us, I still pop by her, and she pops by here, we have keys to eachother and we simply call eachother when something feels wrong and we still can't figure it out why we're so comfortable with eachother... We intended to get married, but instead to my and her parents shock decided to split on us. This was partially because of having 3 kids with ADHD and 2 of them AS was killing me and my ex to the extent of breaking up for our kids sake. So we have a bounce living where at least one kid lives with me and the other two at her. Works great. I'm still her janitor in her house, I have my own weirdo janitor to fix things for me, and the kids just love it. We have equal walking distance to the kids schools.
I think that if I asked her to sleep over She wouldn't mind but we has so carefully arranged living that we just walk between us. But no more kids. When you have this situation with both one parent AS/ADHD and two AS/ADHD kids and One ADD/ADHD with HFA suspected, dyslexia, semantic and pragmatic language disorders and so on, We was the utmost incompatible gene pools to end up.
Baah.. I write too much.