I was once escorting a "drunk chick" out of a bar, and someone stopped me and said, are you going to take advantage of that girl? And I said yeah. And they said, I'm shocked. You could be arrested!"
And I said, "I doubt that."
And this guys said, why do you doubt that?
And at that point, the drunk chick said "are we going home or what?"
And this guy still didn't get it, so he said "you're taking her home?"
And I said, "sure am."
And he said "well, your intentions are obvious then."
And I said, "by the time we get home, she'll be sober, and I imagine we'll do something that you won't approve of, but we're married, so what's the problem?"
Of course, that was quite a few years ago, and she still looked underage, and I was about 30 pounds lighter and didn't drink, because I took meds, but this guy didn't even think about that possibility. I was half carrying this drunk chick out of a bar to take advantage of her.
People jump to a lot of conclusions. Heck with em.
Oh, yeah....she doesn't drink like that anymore, but we still take regular advantage of each other.