OneLastBreath wrote:
I have a question for people who have been or are in a relationship with someone without AS. My question is how do you deal with melt downs and blow ups and all the other fits that may occur in the relationship?
You see I am in this relationship that is amazing and I really don't want to loose it just because one day, one of my fits gets out of control. I haven't hit anyone in a long time, but I do get very violent and thrash when I freak out. I throw things a lot and I know this bothers her, but I just cant express it any other way. I REALLY don't want to loose her!! !![b]
I am the girlfriend of an Aspie who is pretty much the same way. His fuse is very very short, and when he gets to a point where his anger is too big for him to express verbally, he does hit or throw things. It really freaked me out the first time it happened, and I thought .... what the ??? what did I get myself into? I've been with him for a long time now, and I know more about Asperger and the reason for the way he expresses himself. I cannot say however, that I am used to it. It isn't normal behavior, and although during his fits I do understand that he can't help himself, that doesn't stop me, as an NT, from feeling hurt or even angry that he cannot control himself. I don't know if that makes any sense.
The best advice I can give you is this: You WILL have fits. You WILL scare her, sooner or later. But it is important for ANY woman to always know and feel that she is important in your life. It is amazing how tolerable we can be, as long as we know your feelings for us are genuine. During times when you are not having a meltdown, treat her well. BE HONEST. And if you really don't want to hurt her, you will tell her that as much as her maternal instincts tell her she needs to sit through a meltdown with you and make you feel better ... the best thing she can do is to stay away during these times. Now a lot of people may disagree with me on this one but I say this from so much past experience. I have tried to "save him" so many times and now I know that there is nothing to save him from! It is the way he is. And for my own sanity, I need to give both of us that space.
Hope this helps... =)